Ebook BookMicrowave Radiation of the Ocean-Atmosphere Boundary Heat and Dynamic Interaction

Free PDF Microwave Radiation of the Ocean-Atmosphere Boundary Heat and Dynamic Interaction

Free PDF Microwave Radiation of the Ocean-Atmosphere Boundary Heat and Dynamic Interaction

Free PDF Microwave Radiation of the Ocean-Atmosphere Boundary Heat and Dynamic Interaction

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Published on: 2015-12-19
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Original language: English
Free PDF Microwave Radiation of the Ocean-Atmosphere Boundary Heat and Dynamic Interaction

The book describes different approaches to the analysis of heat and dynamic processes in the ocean-atmospheric interface with satellite passive radiometric observations at microwaves. It examines the feasibility of determining synoptic, seasonal and year-to-year variations of sensible, latent and momentum fluxes to a useful accuracy using the DMSP SSM/I and EOS Aqua AMSR-E data directly from the measured brightness temperatures.An important object in the studies is the North Atlantic with emphasize on the areas with high midlatitude cyclon activity: here the main results have been obtained by combining data from the vessel experiments NEWFOUEX-88, ATLANTEX-90 and the data of microwave radiometers from the DMSP and EOS Aqua satellites.The role of vertical turbulent and horizontal advective heat transfer in forming interrelations between the brightness temperature of the system ocean-atmosphere and surface heat fluxes in the range of synoptic time scales is analyzed.Special sections of the book describe some results of analysis of reaction of the system ocean-atmosphere on passing of the tropical cyclone Katrina (August 2005) in the Florida Strait as well as a behavior of the system in the period of a time preceding to origination the cyclone Humberto (September 2007) in the Mexico Gulf. The long-term goal of this research is the search for effects and regularities, which can explain the reasons for the tropical cyclones appearance. Some characteristics of the tropical cyclones (brightness temperature and heat contrasts, etc.) are compared with those for midlatitude cyclones.At the same time as covering a key topic area with implications for global warming research, this text is also usefull to students who want to gain insight into application of satellite microwave radiometric methods for studying the air-sea interaction.Key themes: microwave radiometry, air-sea interaction, midlatitude and tropical cyclones, atmosphere boundary layer, heat and momentum surface fluxes. Faculty Index The Rosenstiel School of Marine and ... Dennis Hansell Department of Ocean Sciences Professor and Chair 305.421.4078. Biogeochemical cycling of the major elements (carbon nitrogen etc.) particularly ... Find a Supervisor /PhD Project - NUI Galway One of the most important parts of choosing a research programme is finding a supervisor who has relevant expertise in your area of interest. When you find a ... Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC) 2012 Abbasov R.K. Smakhtin V.U.2012 Indexing the environmental vulnerability of mountain streams in Azerbaijan Mountain Research and Development 32 1 73-82. glaciers et niveau des mers - pensee-unique.fr 30 Septembre 2012: Le point sur l'volution de l'tendue des glaces au ples Nord et Sud. 1) Introduction : En ce mois de Septembre 2012 les observations ... NSERC List of Evaluation Groups and Research Topics List of Evaluation Groups and Research Topics. Further to the recommendations from the International Review of Discovery Grants and the Grant Selection Committee (GSC ... Publications Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) 2016 Publications. Argeso D. Di Luca A. Perkins-Kirkpatrick S.E. Evans J.P. 2016. Seasonal mean temperature changes control future heat waves: MEAN ... Popular Technology.net: 1350+ Peer-Reviewed Papers ... Disclaimer: Even though the most prolific authors on the list are skeptics the inclusion of a paper in this list does not imply a specific personal position to any ... Journal Articles that Use Remote Sensing Systems Data by ... Total Number of Papers: 1028. If your paper is not on this list and you would like to have it added please contact RSS support. Abdul-Hadi A.; Mansor S.B.; Pradhan ... Skeptic Papers 2015 - P Gosselin Updated 27 March 2016. Reader Kenneth Richard presents 282 peer-reviewed papers published in 2015 supporting the skeptical position that natural factors are in fact a ... Global Warming Just Facts * Global warming is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary of Science as an increase in the average temperature of the Earths atmosphere either by ...
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